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Vienna Lager Beer Label Design for Muntons Brewery

I was commissioned by Muntons Brewery to create an illustration for the packaging of their upcoming Vienna Lager beerkit.


Muntons Brewery is a leading supplier of homebrewing beer kits to the UK and global markets. Muntons Tap Room Series is a range of beer kits featuring original artwork by various illustrators. Only 1000 beer kits are released each time per region.

The Vienna Style Lager beer, named after the city it originated in, Vienna, Austria, introduced most of Europe to what modern-day bottom-fermentation is. The Vienna Lager history began when it was brought to the market in 1841 by Anton Dreher, the owner of Schwechat Brewery near Vienna. He was one of the first brewers in Europe to try English style malting. In his attempted he created what is now known as Vienna malt.

Following his creation Anton Dreher became known as the “King of Beer”.

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