Born in 1980, Martin spent his adolescent years traveling, studying, partying and doodling relentlessly. In 2001 Martin resigned to pursue a career in Architecture and moved to UK, first to Edinburgh, and 3 years later he settled in London, where eventually he graduated from University of East London with First Class BA (Hons) in Illustration and Printmaking.
Since graduating in 2013, Martin was busy designing and screen printing for his own ethical and ecological clothing brand 10tacled, but also occasionally illustrating for a range of clients (New Scientist, Monokoto, Art Brut, The Rifffs). In 2015 Martin became involved designing jewellery for a startup brand Magpie’s Loot, which successful collaboration later led him to create their brand identity and web presence. In 2017 Martin teamed up with two other local designers (Magpie’s Loot and Verry Kerry) to open Bamboo & Bee, an artist-led boutique and studio in Bethnal Green, the heart of London’s East End.
In 2019, rather than having a finger in every pie, Martin decided to focus 100% on his illustration career, since drawing (or visual problem solving) is something that makes him genuinely happy. He started freelancing with various breweries creating product packaging, branding and designing merchandise. Since then Martin's client list grew to include individuals and companies from outside the brewing industry.
Martin's favourite style is highly-detailed black and white illustrations, often set against vibrant colourful backgrounds for an extra impact. He also enjoys painting digitally full colour cartoons on his Wacom Cintiq tablet. Martin draws his inspiration from comics, film noir, art history and pop culture. Despite being proficient in digital ways (mostly Adobe Suite), Martin's preferred weapon of choice is always pen and ink. Even though he spends countless hours glued to the screen working in Photoshop or Illustrator, what really makes him tick is to get absolutely filthy with inks while screen printing and etching or to draw some blood while lino-cutting!
When not at his desk Martin enjoys mountain hiking and drawing silly stuff with his kids, playing board and computer games, listening to jazz, reading books and tormenting his cats. Martin currently lives in Abruzzo, Italy.
Marc Krusin Ltd, Home & Kitchen, Knoll, myBuilder.com, New Scientist, Nathaniel Francis Farms, Wisemen Media, Faceola Organisation, Redchurch Brewery, Allendale Brewery, Muntons Brewery, Boot Beer Brewery, Craftndraft, Keepit, DRK Horse, Magpie's Loot, Art Brut, Monokoto, Six Pack Beer Club.

What Martin's clients say about his work:
CA Award of Excellence - Communication Arts Illustration Annual 2022
Golden A' Design Award - Graphics, Illustration and Visual Communication Design 2022
Applied Arts Illustration Award 2022 - Promotional - Social Media category
ADC 101st Annual Awards 2022 - Shortlist in Illustration category
3x3 International Illustration Annual 2022 - Merit
CreativePool Annual 2021 Gold Award - Illustration category
CreativePool Annual 2021 People's Choice Award - Illustration category
CreativePool Annual 2021 Silver Award - Illustration category
AOI World Illustration Awards 2021 - Longlisted Artist
Thames Barrier Print Studio Printmaking Student Award (2013)
UEL Print Olympics FabPad Prize (2012)
2023, "Directory of Illustration #39", page 313, Workbook Creative Inc, LOS ANGELES/USA, ISBN 978-1-7330175-3-4
2022, "A' Design Award - Communication Winner Designs 2021-2022", Hardcopy Edition Vol. 49-C, page 49, MILAN/ITALY, ISBN 978-88-97977-52-0
2022, "Revel In The Awe-Inspiring Creations Of A’ Design Award Winners", DesignTaxi, August 15, SAN FRANCISCO/USA.
2022, "Applied Arts: 2022 Photography/Illustration and Design Annual", Summer 2022, Volume 37, Number 1, Issue 180, page 42, Applied Arts Inc., TORONTO/CANADA, ISSN1196-1775
2022, "Communication Arts Illustration Annual 63", May/June 2022, Volume 64, Number 2, Issue 446, page 78-79, Coyne & Blanchard, BELMONT/USA, ISSN0010-3519
2022, "Before the Midnight Hour" Featured Artist, AIT 4.2022, pages 8-9, 30-31, 48-49, April Issue, Alexander Koch GmbH, LEINFELDEN-ECHTERDINGEN/GERMANY, ISSN0173-8046
2022, "Film noir furniture illustrations reveal a hidden narrative", Film and Furniture, January 31, LONDON/UK.
2021, "Directory of Illustration #38", page 430-431, Serbin Creative Inc, LOS ANGELES/USA, ISBN9781733017527
2021, "The Grid - Furniture given a film noir makeover", The New Review / The Observer, page 6, December 12, LONDON/UK.
2021, "Furniture given a film noir makeover – in pictures", The Guardian (online), December 11, LONDON/UK.
2021, "Life suspended in the noir illustrations of Martin Reznik", Collater.al, November 17, MILAN/ITALY.
2021, "Martin Reznik brings a touch of film noir suspense to furniture design illustrations", Creative Boom, November 04, LONDON/UK.
2021, "Explore this exquisitely noir project from the Annual 2021 Gold winner in Illustration | #AnnualSpotlight", Creativepool, October 11, LONDON/UK.
2021, "Creativepool Annual 2021", pages 129 & 131, Creativepool Limited, October 07, LONDON/UK.
2021, "Here's all the Gold Winners from Annual 2021!", Creativepool, September 16, LONDON/UK.
2021, "Top 20 illustrations to get you inspired today", Creativepool, March 17, LONDON/UK.
2021, "How much should I charge as a freelance illustrator?", Creativepool, February 11, LONDON/UK.
2020, "Member Spotlight: The Humble Resilience of Martin Reznik", Creativepool, May 13, LONDON/UK.
2020, "The Top 10 most exciting illustrators", Creativepool, May 01, LONDON/UK.
2014, "Rogue Elements", New Scientist, pages 3, 38-39, July 09, LONDON/UK.